
Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Star Wars: Darth Vader

Oh, I've got so many things to share with you lovely readers over the coming weeks!

First up is a series I briefly hinted at over on Facebook the other week... You may have seen these patterns for Star Wars amigurumi floating around the internet, designed by the brilliant Lucy Ravenscar. Well, I spent the first couple of months of this year working through them ready for my husband's birthday! His presents are being spread out in a small countdown until his Birthday, and so I will share them one at a time here as he opens them!

First up, if you hadn't guessed, is Darth Vader. Now, I made this little series of figures before I'd seen the films (which I now have!) and there are so many extra details I'd add to them if I was making them now... But, there are a few changes I will share with you, and maybe one day I'll make them again! (There are also a few proportion issues due to my random wool oddments haha!)

I decided Darth Vader needed his famous lightsaber to complete the look. This is only a temporary one until I can find a thin red straw, but I still think it's very effective! The handle is made with a cocktail stick, cut in half, and coloured silver (I used a marker pen, but you could use paint); details were added with black paint (but a marker pen would work). The red part of the lightsaber is a length of red scoobie (anyone remember them?!) with a length of wire inside to add sturdiness. The tapered end of the cocktail stick handle is inserted into the scoobie and it sits together nicely. Because Darth Vader is crocheted, he can even hold the lightsaber, and it can be removed - yay! The other change I made was to paint the eyes on, which I quite like.

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