
Thursday, 23 February 2017

Found Letters I

About ten years ago I was introduced to the concept of finding letters in our everyday surroundings and photographing them in to a collection. For various reasons I never began, partly because I felt a need to look for all the letters at once and it was overwhelming. However, this year I joined a group which has spread the alphabet out over the course of a year, and I'm really enjoying looking for letters one at a time! I have chosen to stick to upper case letters, at least for this series.






  1. OOh Helen what a fabulous idea and love your creative observations!
    I completely understand about the overwhelming desire to look for everything at once - so its great you can pace yourself!
    Looking forward to the next few letters!
    Ali x

  2. I'm sorry to say, parts of this page are broken. The pictures don't work anymore)

    1. Yeh, Photobucket have been messing their customers around. I am slowly going back and editing all my posts but it is a slow process. You can keep up to date here:
      Helen :)


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