
Monday, 1 October 2012

Linocut: Extra

I thought you might like to see some of the other prints that emerged when printing My First Linocut the other week... 

I love seeing the texture of the paper come through the print.

One of the earlier prints. We had to build up the padding behind it slowly, so as to apply the right amount of pressure and get a decent print.

 I like how the texture of the lino still shows through, as there isn't quite enough padding behind the linocut yet.

This one's quite clever - it's the same way round as the original linocut! After inking up the linocut, we printed it on to the roller, before carefully inserting 2 sheets of paper to be printed - one printed straight from the linocut, and one from the copy on the roller!

You can check out my final image on the original post :)

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