
Monday, 25 October 2010

Wallpaper Cards


The other week my parents gave me a gorgeous roll of wallpaper from their first house, in the early 70s. It is so lovely, and after covering my wardrobe in it, I decided it would make some beautiful cards :) They are A6 in size, with various layers of pearl card/paper and different colours of paper and card. I added embellishments with glitter pens and pearlescent paint, and I think it really sets them off :)



Back in September, my brother got married down at Sheldrakes, in Lower Heswall, Wirral. Earlier this year, they requested a painting from me as a wedding present, and who was I to decline?! On 21st June, Summer Solstice, me and my husband were down in Lower Heswall, and I managed to capture some beauitful shots of the area in a lovely late summer evening light. One of them (as can be seen in my old laptop in the photos) was my inspiration for this painting. They received it yesterday, and they're thrilled with it, and now I can share! Considering I started it in late August, this has been quite good going for me!

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Painting Now by Kate Fielding & Luminosity of Light by Simon A Yorke @ The Corke Art Gallery

Last night me and the husband returned to the Corke Art Gallery for the private viewing of their next exhibition as part of the Liverpool Biennial. This exhibition features Painting Now by Kate Fielding and Luminosity of Light by Simon A Yorke. Fielding's paintings are huge canvasses, truly abstract in form, with paint thickly spread on. It is not until the artist herself starts to point out a park bench here and a cat there that you can truly start to see the world through her eyes. At first glance, the paint appears haphazardly applied, then you look closer, and there is such detail expressed.

Moving out of the main rooms of the art gallery, and into the hall, the office, and the dark barely lit back room is moving into another artist's head. Yorke has been a buddhist for 18 years, and his paintings built up of over 100 layers of paint show his journey with his faith, and his explorations of life. The pictures are full of light, colour and movement, and we stopped a while to talk with his parents about the meanings behind them.

If you like abstract art, this is an exhibition of two artists with local roots which is well worth seeing - you've got til Saturday!

Oh, and I Found A Pound!

Sunday, 3 October 2010

"'Outsiders' In" @ The Corke Art Gallery


If you're in the local area you're sure to know that the Liverpool Biennial is currently taking over the Liverpool art scene in it's normal fantastic way.

Yesterday, me and the husband called in to the Corke Art Gallery on Aigburth Road to catch the last day of the exhibition "'Outsiders' In", featuring work by many famous worldwise street artists, including the likes of Banksy.

I love discovering art galleries like this one. It's not in the most direct of places for me, but it is well worth the trek. The atmosphere is warm and friendly, and the owner Nic is chatty and seems so enthusiastic. Photography is welcome, which is great for people like me, and the space is clean and bright, even when packed full of great art.

I'm just going to comment on a few pieces of work which stood out to me...
This is my second exhibition of work by Banksy, and a gorilla poster from his Bristol show made an appearance!
Bestie's "Day Out at Nurenberg" caught my attention for the use of accetate over painting - it produced fantastic outlines, and is a technique I intend to implement myself.

SPQR's "See No More" is another piece which caught my attention. I love the fact that this style of art works on canvas, and I love the fact it's in an exhibition. It just screams to the world of the complaints about graffiti, whilst also making such a point about how the country is watched itself. Yet on canvas in a gallery is so far away from being caught on camera on the streets!
And I won't deny a tear caught in my eye when I saw the Superlambanana in that state - can you imagine if someone did that to George?!

Nic has put some photos up on Facebook if you wish to see more...